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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 295

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 295

Benjamin instructed the bodyguards to stay in the cafe, while he and the driver went back to Glenbrook to pick up the kids.

Emmeline took a relaxing, hot bath after she went upstairs. She had missed her chance to take a bath the previous evening at the Precipice because she was worried about Abel’s injuries. She felt filthy now.

Emmeline felt refreshed after taking a hot bath and changing into her casual attire. Even though her body continued to feel weak and she moved slowly, she was still able to prepare meals for the kids.

Emmeline put on an apron and went to the kitchen.

The children returned home with Daisy and Sam when the meal was ready.

The kids embraced their mother while walling aloud.

“Mommy, welcome home! We’re worried sick about you. Sob, sob…”

“Are you hurt? I’ll beat those bad guys and get revenge for you.”

“We don’t want to lose you, Mommy. You have to stay home from now on and not go anywhere.”

“Alright, okay,” Emmeline consoled them and hugged the kids with a smile.

“I’m good now, am I not? Now that I’ve safely returned home, you guys can loosen up.”

Sun raised his head and said seriously, “By the way, Mommy. You should call Timothy now. He’s been worried about you every day too.”

Emmeline’s heart ached. She felt upset that Little Timothy was worried about her. She stroked the kids’ heads and said, “Sure, I’ll call Timothy right away to ease his concerns.”

“Use my phone,” Moon said.

“I’ll call him for you,” Star said.

“Alright, okay! I’ll do as you say,” Emmeline said with a smile.

Even though it’s wonderful to see the kids again, I also feel secretly depressed. How is Abel going to pay back the 565 million dollars he spent to save me?

Of course, 265 million belonged to Adelmar Group; it was also my money. The remaining 300 million belonged to the Ryker Group instead of Abel. His family would definitely make things difficult for him, right?


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