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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 306

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 306

Oscar called Lewis and Rosaline following Adam’s departure.

The couple arrived in a hurry at Ryker’s residence in less than thirty minutes. Rosaline managed to bring Oscar some homemade cookies despite the urgency.

Lewis was uneasy about this. His father would not just randomly invite them over. It must have something to do with their son. Lewis went straight to the point, “Dad, tell us what’s going on.”

Rosaline offered the snacks to Oscar and concurred, “That’s right, Dad. I made these sugar-free cookies for you. Please try it out.

Oscar had no appetite for cookies. He said, “Put it aside for now.”

Rosaline and Lewis felt worse about this.

“Are you aware of Abel’s situation?” Oscar questioned him gravely./

The situation with Ryker Group’s overseas business partners was unknown to the couple, but they were aware of Abel’s accomplishments.

Lewis said, “Dad, ever since Abel took over the business, he has run it superbly. I didn’t praise him because he’s my son. Everyone can see how successful he is and I think you’re aware of it too.”

Rosaline chimed in, “Yes, Dad. Under Abel’s direction, the group has grown several business channels and brands. We’ve got a significant influence internationally.”

Oscar sighed and responded, “I know. Unfortunately, a man with his abilities would get involved with that little witch. I felt infuriated at the thought of that!”

Rosaline said, “I’ll persuade Abel to stay away from Emmeline. This time, he put his life in danger to save her. It would be unacceptable if she persisted in bugging him.”

“It’s not just that,” Oscar remarked.

“Abel probably wouldn’t be able to get back the money he used in time. The military order he signed may take effect!”


Lewis and Rosalinda were taken aback by the news that they had almost fallen off the sofa.

“Dad, are you going to take away Abel’s position as CEO?”

“Dad, Abel doesn’t deserve this!”

“Please reconsider. Abel has done well!”

“Yes, Dad, please give him another chance!”

Oscar asked, “So, none of you are aware of the situation with our Loverseas business partners?”


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