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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 307

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 307

The tea room in the Nimbus Hotel’s first-floor lobby was designed with hotel guests’ needs in mind. Rosaline picked this location because it was quiet and there were fewer chances she would run into acquaintances.

After she finished the last action scene and changed her clothes, Emmeline rode her bike to the Nimbus Hotel. She noticed Rosaline was waiting for her when she entered the tea room.

Rosaline had her hair pulled back in a loose bun and was wearing an elegant red dress. Apparently, she looked elegant and someone from a privileged background.

Emmeline sat down opposite Rosaline.

The tea artisan next to them poured two cups of tea for them before she stepped away.

Emmeline took the initiative to call Rosaline, who was older than her, in a respectful manner, “Auntie Rosaline, what did you want to see me about?”

Rosaline went straight to the point and chided coldly, “I want you to stay away from Abel. You’ve caused him a lot of trouble!”

Rosaline’s statement astounded Emmeline, she was surprised Rosaline would say this. She said with a smile, “Auntie Rosaline, I think you misunderstood. I have never bothered Abel.”

“Abel is going to be kicked out of the Ryker Group because of you!”

Emmeline was startled and exclaimed, “What? What happened?”

“Abel saved you with 300 million from the group. He signed a military order with his grandfather. Now, the company’s cash flow has been severely impacted, and his grandpa wants to execute the military order to make him leave the company with nothing!”

Emmeline was at a loss for words. She was dumbfounded.

I was aware that Abel had spent 300 million dollars of his company’s money, but I wasn’t expecting him to encounter so many issues. In a typical scenario, Ryker Group’s cash flow wouldn’t be disrupted by 300 million dollars. Other funding sources must have bad a problem at this crucial time.

“Abel went through five years of hellish training abroad to become the chosen successor of the Ryker Group. Now he’s ruined because of you. Emmeline, what would you like me to say?”

Emmeline’s face turned horrifyingly pale, but she maintained her composure and said, “Auntie Rosaline, don’t worry. This problem can be solved.”

“Resolved?” Rosaline scoffed, “Just by your words? It’s more complicated than just talking your way out of it! How can I not feel worried?”

Emmeline said, “I’m saying this issue can be resolved, and I’m not spouting nonsense!”


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