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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 308

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 308

Rosaline asked with a cold sneer, “What’s the matter? You aren’t going to say that you’re cracking a joke with me, right? How the heck did a commoner like you know the Wonder Doctor have me baffled?”

Emmeline snorted coldly, “A commoner wouldn’t even know about the existence of the Wonder Doctor, but I do. What do you have to say about that, Auntie Rosaline?”

Rosaline said mockingly, “Didn’t you learn about it because you frequently overheard us mentioning the doctor? I knew I shouldn’t have put my faith in you.”

Emmeline said, “Give me your bank account number. 300 million dollars will be credited to your account in ten minutes as long as

you agree not to tell anyone about this, including Abel!”

Rosaline was stunned.

Is she serious? I would find out whether she’s telling the truth in 10 minutes, right? I just need to make a promise anyway.

“I promise I won’t tell anyone about this, including Abel,” Rosaline said.

Emmeline insisted coldly and determinedly, “Swear on it! I want you to take a vow!”

Rosaline hesitated.

What game is she playing? Is maintaining secrecy over this issue really necessary?

Emmeline remarked, “I’m waiting for your vow in exchange for 300 million dollars!”

“I’ll make a yow, all right!”

Rosaline went all out, and she máde a curse vow with her palm raised.

She had made the most heinous vow, promising to be struck by lightning, and her family would be at the end of the line. She kept telling herself throughout the vow that if the Wonder Doctor could give her 300 million dollars right now, she would let this matter rot in her grave.

She would be struck by lightning, and her offspring would be wiped out if she broke the vow. She would undoubtedly keep her word because she cared so much for Abel and Timothy.

“Wait, give me your bank account number,” Emmeline said with a nod.

Rosaline handed Emmeline a gold card from the Melvania Citizen Union Bank.

Emmeline took the card and said to Rosaline, “Wait here for three minutes. I need to make a call.”

Rosaline was suspicious, but she nodded anyway.

Emmeline went to the bathroom with her phone and the bank card. 300 million dollars were transferred to Rosaline’s account following an international account transaction.


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