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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 315

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 315

For the first time, Adrien saw that Emmeline was happy when she was with him. His eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

“Emma,” Adrien said, grabbing Emmeline’s hand, but she quickly pulled it away.

That did not stop Adrien from saying, “Actually, if you spend more time with me, you’ll find that I have many good qualities.”

Emmeline cocked her head and fixed her gaze on him.

This man is quite simple and innocent. He’s just a rich, spoiled kid.

Adrien walked in a circle around Emmeline and said, “Emma, why don’t you give us a chance? After all, it would be advantageous to our kids.”

Emmeline remained quiet. For the first time, she did not rebuke Adrien.

“Don’t worry, Emma. I promise to put up with hardship, be devoted to my responsibility, and be a good husband and father. I will never go west if you ask me to go east. If you ask me to beat a dog, I will never beat a chicken!”


When Adrien waved his hand, he struck something unintentionally.

“Ouch!” Alana cried out.

Only then did Adrien and Emmeline realize that Adrien had

slapped Alana’s head in his excitement.

Adrien said, “When did you get here? Why are you sneaking around? Are you trying to scare us to death?”

Alana explained while putting a hand on her head, “I came to take a look because I heard some noise coming from your room. The slap you gave me nearly sent my head crashing into my stomach!”

Adrien mocked, “It’s your fault for coming here. Don’t put the blame on me!”

He dislikes Alana’s deviousness.

“I came to let you know that you’ll be invited to the wedding dinner when Abel and I get engagéd. Abel just came to see me and talked about this.”

Adrien said, “Of course, I’m Abel’s brother, after all.”

Alána questioned Emmeline as she cast a quick glance her way, “When do you two intend to wed? You two seem happy together. Why don’t you hurry up to get things done?”


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