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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 316

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 316

“Absolutely not! He wouldn’t do that!” Adrien replied on behalf of Alana with a smirk.

“Only when he is with his parents, the woman he loves, or the gods does Ábel ever kneel. Abel is not in love with Alana.”

Alana’s face became so pale that it appeared almost transparent.

Abel would never bow down for me, and I am aware that I am not the one. Abel’s beloved is Emmeline, right? Unfortunately, Emmeline missed out on the opportunity to receive Abel’s proposal.

Firstly, Abel will get engaged to me. Secondly, Emmeline had agreed to Adrien’s proposal. Hmph, who cares if I’m not the one Abel adores? He’s with me, isn’t he? Emmeline, all you can do is be envious of me.

Abel went back to his workplace. His secretary knocked on the door before entering his office.

Without looking up, Abel rubbed his forehead tiredly and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Mr. Ryker, a visitor from Altney City, has been waiting for you in the VIP room,” the secretary informed him.

Abel frowned and turned to face his secretary. He wondered, “Altney City? I didn’t have an appointment today. Who is it?”

The secretary explained, “She said her name is Ms. Murphy, and you’ve saved her.”

Suddenly, Canary No. 9 came to Abel’s mind. He questioned, “Oh, you mean Mur…?”

He could not remember the name of the girl, but he did recall that she resembled Emmeline.

The secretary said, “Lizbeth, she came with her brother. They’re here to express their gratitude to you.”

Abel said as he reclined in his chair, “Okay, show them in. They have traveled a great distance.”

“Okay, I’ll invite them in.”

The secretary turned around and went to the VIP room.

The guests soon showed up at the office. The siblings entered the office after the secretary extended her hand to let them in.

Abel politely stood up. Before him stood a man in his late twenties with a majestic aura. The young woman, Lizbeth, whom he had previously rescued from the Imperial Palace, was standing behind the man.


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