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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 330

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 330

Abel drove his sports car to the Nightfall Cafe.

Sam had cleared up the roses arranged in a heart pattern at the door, but she had not put them away yet.

Abel pushed open the glass door. He saw the cafe was filled with vases adorned with roses.

“Don’t you think having so many roses is tacky?” Abel sneered as he asked Sam.

Sam raised her head, and she saw the handsome Mr. Abel, who exuded an intimidating presence.

Sam was startled. How did he appear out of nowhere?

Luckily, Mr. Adrien has left.

Otherwise, if Mr. Abel sees Mr. Adrien proposing to Ms. Louise, who knows what those two gentlemen would do?

“Mr. Abel, are you talking about the flowers?” Sam quickly reacted, “think throwing them away is a waste, so I put the flowers into the vases.”

“It’s tacky!” Abel asked coldly, “Where’s Emma?”

Sam pointed upstairs, “Ms. Louise hasn’t come down yet.”

“Got it.” Abel hurried up the stairs with a folder in his hand.

At the stairs, Abel heard Emmeline humming on the platform, and he immediately felt jealous.

Emma is overjoyed when Adrien proposes to her!

It seems I have overestimated her feelings toward me.

What a fickle woman!

Emmeline would probably retort in her inner thoughts if she were to hear it, “That’s my personality. What can you do about it?”

Do I have to cry in front of you when I’m sad?

It’s an engagement.

It’s not set in stone. Do I have to make a big deal out of it?

Abel walked straight to the platform.

Emmeline wore an apron, trimming the flowers and plants with a pruning shear.

Ultimately, Abel made the beautiful garden for Emmeline.

Since the garden brought Emmeline joy, Abel was pleased.

“Emma.” Abel interrupted

Emmeline’s humming.

Emmeline turned around in surprise, and her jet-dark eyes met

Abel’s gaze.

Emmeline was taken aback. She stood straight and said, “Hey, why are you here?”


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