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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 331

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 331

In the end, Emmeline expressed a cold and indifferent attitude.

“Emma.” Abel said dejectedly, “I’m not here to argue with you. I have visited to give you my blessings.”

“Hmph!” Emmeline sneered, “Thanks a lot, Mr. Abel.”

A sharp pain struck Emmeline’s heart.

Abel is cold-hearted.

His feelings toward me are non- existent.

How can he treat feelings so lightly?

I used to be so into you, but I’m done now.

Since you have treated me coldly, I will treat you much colder!

Emmeline refused to turn around, and she focused on trimming the flowers, Snip. Emmeline trimmed everything off.

“This is for you.” Abel handed the folder over, “Take a look.”

“I don’t need your money.”

Snap! The branches fell to the floor.

“It’s not money.” Abel said as he handed it over, “I thought it’s best to give this to you.”

Emmeline was puzzled and curious.

She moved her gaze from the garden to the folder in Abel’s hand.

“What’s in it?”

“Open it and take a look.”

Emmeline put down the pruning shear suspiciously. She took the folder, and she opened it.

Inside the folder was an agreement to transfer the ownership of a company.

“What…” Emmeline raised her head in surprise, “Are you giving me a healthy and operating company?”

“Yes.” Abel nodded, and he looked at her intently.

“Why? Why should I take your company when everything is fine?”

“It’s because of Adrien’s mom, Julianna.” Abel added, “Julianna is materialistic, and I don’t want her to bully you.”

“Julianna? Bullying me?” Emmeline laughed, “Is she capable of doing so?”

“Emma.” Abel said while looking at Emmeline, “I know you have your pride, and you’re independent. Getting married may complicate things. The children will eventually grow up, and they need to go to school. You have to improve your financial situation to get a better education for your children.”


“I know you have a coffee shop

and a part-time job.” Abel held Emmeline’s delicate shoulder, “You’re a mom, and you’re not a spoiled little girl. Acting proud is fine, but you can’t go on with your life like that!”


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