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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 344

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 344

Just when Adrien was about to hold her, Abel did that ahead of him. He pulled her into his arms.

“Emma, that is why you can’t engage with Adrien.”

“Abel, what the hell are you doing?” Adrien was furious, “I am going to marry Emma soon. Why are you trying to ruin things at the last minute?”

“That’s because you’re not the triplets father!” Abel revealed, “So it’s a mistake that you’re marrying Emma!”

Adrien lashed out with his fist but it was caught by Abel. Abel twisted his hand and immediately, Adrien was yapping with pain.

“Abel,” Emmeline’s face was unperturbed, “You are spouting nonsense now just to stop me? How can you bring along Kendra just to say some nonsense?”

“Emma. Abel was flustered.

After all, the revelation sounded like a conjecture on Kendra’s part. At least for now.

Despite that, Abel had no doubt that Kendra was speaking the truth.

“Emmeline,” Kendra tried to solidify her argument, “I have no reason to deceive you. Every single word that I said is true. Don’t be fooled, the father of your children is none other than Abel.”

Emmeline stared at this woman, and deep in her heart, she did not know what to believe anymore.

However, some invisible force was trying to make her believe Kendra, and for some reason she slowly found Kendra believable.

No matter what she said was true or not, she could not engage with Adrien now.

She must find out the truth first.

“Emma, come with me!” Abel suddenly carried her in his arms.

Adam waved his hand and immediately, a few bodyguards rushed toward them.

“Back off, you lot!” Benjamin came over too with his men, and his men stopped Adam’s bodyguards in their tracks.

“Mr. Benjamin, why are you’ involving yourself in this?” Adam asked coldly.

“They are my friends,” Benjamin explained, “I can’t just stand and watch.”

Luca rushed in with his men as well, and Adam’s men could not make any move at he moment.

Abel broke into a march with Emmeline in his arms, and he was soon out of the main hall.

The reporters at the scene could not stop snapping away at the juicy development of things.

“We can’t let this matter spread to the public!”

Adam called out to his bodyguards, “Confiscate the reporters tools. Or else, the Meriwether Mansion is going to suffer a great humiliation!”


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