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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 345

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 345

“At eleven at night, your first child was a boy.”

Kendra began to sob, “However, you were unconscious at that time. I was asked to leave, and by the time I returned to the ward, that boy was no longer anywhere to be found.”

“Then, you went into another labor again, this time for your second child. You mistakenly thought that you were giving birth to your first child because of some difficulty a while ago…”

Emmeline’s tears completely wet her face.

She could vividly remember the excruciating pain at that time.

Abel held her fragile frame which was shuddering now, and he too was in agony, “Emma, I am sorry, it was all my fault…”

“After that, you gave birth to triplets. was the one who first carried them to you.”

Kendra wiped her tears, “Strangely enough, the next day, I was transferred to another hospital…”

“Where is my first child?” Emma could barely speak through her sobbing, “Where is he now?”

“I have already met him,” Kendra sobbed, “He’s… Timothy!”

“Timothy?” Emmeline felt that she was going to faint upon hearing that.

Abel caught her as her body began to fall.

“Isn’t Alana Timothy’s mother?” Emmeline’s line of sight was blurred by tears.

“No,” Abel replied in anguish, “She must have used some petty tricks to deceive us.”

“Are you saying that…” Emmeline mustered some strength, “That paternity test result… is fake?”

“It must be,” Kendra confirmed, “Because I know for a fact that you’re Timothy’s mother. I can’t be mistaken!”

“How can this be?”

Emmeline was really at a loss now, “Timothy’s father is Abel, and he is also my son… That means

that the paternity result that Adrien showed me which proved that the triplets are his must be fake as well…”

“Emma,” Benjamin walked toward them, “Don’t be afraid. We can do the tests again. We can do everything again to finally let the truth come to light!”

“I second that,” Abel said, “If this makes Emma feel more confident, I won’t get involved in the testing process.”

“Leave this to me,” Benjamin said, “You just need to provide me with your body samples. I will find an agency and do the tests privately.”

“Alright,” Abel immediately agreed, “I trust you in this.”


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