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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 349

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 349

Alana wiped her tears, “Abel was brainwashed by Emmeline, and he threatened to cancel our wedding. I am beyond sad. If that happens, I would have no right to be here and to be filial to you anymore.”

“Emmeline again?” Oscar was livid, “Why is she trying to create trouble everywhere I go?”

“I just want Abel to be with me more.”

Alana continued her persuasion, “However, Emmeline claimed that I was not horribly injured, so that made Abel angry. He threatened to cancel our wedding just because of that.”

“He’s really out of his mind!”

Oscar’s face darkened, “This bastard is more and more unruly as the day drags on. I am the one who oversees your marriage, but he still dares to defy me?”

“I’m feeling so wronged,” Alana continued to sob, “I have given birth to Timothy for him, and I have taken a bullet for him either, and lost another child in the process. Granddad, you need to help me, you’re my only hope!”

“Alright, stop crying,” Oscar waved his hand with a hideous expression on his face, “I don’t like to see women crying and sobbing like this.”

Only then Alana stopped crying. This was because she did not actually cry out to her heart’s content, so once Oscar stopped her, she was able to cut it short.

“Fabian,” Oscar instructed his butler, “Give Abel, that bastard, call. Tell him that I need to see him.”

“Roger, Old Mr. Ryker,” Fabian quickly complied.

At that moment, another person was crying out loud at the door, “Granddad, you need to stand up for me!”

Oscar looked up in the direction of that voice and saw that it was Adrien who was also storming in while wailing.

The guards naturally recognized that he was one of the Rykers, so they did not stop him from coming in.

Adrien came all the way to the living room, and it seemed like he did not notice that Alana was there. He threw himself at Oscar.

He was crying at Oscar’s feet, “Granddad, why is my life so hard…

Oscar was frustrated yet feeling sorry for him at the same time.

He helped Adrien to his feet and made him sit on a sofa. He then asked sternly, “Tell me, what is going on? Why do you only need to cry?”

Adrien did not know where to start “Shouldn’t you be in your engagement ceremony in the Nimbus Hotel right now? Did it end early? Where is my granddaughter-in-law?”

Oscar spat out a few consecutive questions at the same time.

It only made Adrien cry louder.


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