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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 350

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 350

Fabian immediately went to get his phone.

In no time, Landen and Julianna arrived at the scene. They did not look so good when they made their appearances.

Oscar roared, “You only know to pull that face. Why are you so arrogant and smug when things are going well if you’re going to pull that kind of face now?”

“Dad,” Landen began, “You can’t pin the blame on us. It was all Abel’s fault.”

“That’s right,” Julianna argued, “The engagement was going smoothly, and Abel suddenly barged in and took away Emmeline.”

“He really has the guts to defy me now, huh?” Oscar was fuming as he glared at them, “He really doesn’t respect us anymore!”

“You shouldn’t let him take control of the Ryker Group in the first pláce,” Julianna shot a look at Oscar, “See how spoiled is he now? He would really climb over your head later on!”

“Hmm?” Oscar glared at her, “Are you complaining about the ways your husband is raising Abel then?”

Julianna shivered and immediately denied, “Dad, that’s not what I mean!”

“Then what do you mean?” Oscar was fuming again.

I’m saying that if Adam is the one calling the shots in the Ryker Group, Abel would not be so arrogant right now!” Julianna explained.

“Do you think I don’t know how Adam would turn out?” Oscar roared, “I’m not senile, you know. Among my three grandsons, Adam is the one who’s the most spoiled and arrogant!”

Julianna had no words to refute him now. Landen could only droop his head and stared at the floor.

Although the couple did not know what kind of business their eldest son was managing, they had heard things in the past two years.

“We will focus on this matter today, nothing else,” Oscar announced, “I won’t tolerate the fact that Abel has snatched away Adrien’s wife. When he comes back, don’t blame me if I end up breaking his lég!”

“Granddad,” Adrien was crying again, “Don’t just break his leg, you need to make Emmeline come back to me!”

“You’re useless!” Oscar screamed, “You want me, your grandfather, to help you get your woman back?”

“That’s right, son,” Julinanna tried to sway the sentiment, “I told you before that Emmeline is up to no good. Look at her face, she is really a bringer of bad luck!”

“But I only love Emmeline,” Adrien still could not give up on her, “I don’t want anyone else except ber!”


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