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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 358

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 358

“Why should I forgive you?” Emmeline’s eyes were brimming with tears. “You kicked me out of the house and stole my eldest son. How much suffering have I endured because of you?”

Smack! Alondra harshly slapped herself twice. “Auntie Alondra apologizes to you, I punish myself for you. Emma, can’t you just let it go?”

“Exactly, Emma,” Maxwell chimed in. “At least Auntie Alondra didn’t sell the child to someone else. She gave him to Mr. Abel, who is his biological father. It’s not like she kidnapped him or anything.”

“For me, it’s still kidnapping!” Emmeline fumed. “She separated my son and me for over four years. If she isn’t brought to justice, I won’t be able to swallow this injustice!”

“But if you insist on seeking justice, Dad won’t be able to swallow it either,” Abel interjected, his brows furrowed.

“Mr. Louise,” Abel continued, “You can’t just think about yourself. Have you considered the impact this will have on your daughter?”

“Mr. Abel,” Maxwell nearly fell off the couch. “That old woman deceived me back then. If I had known Emma was pregnant with your child, how could I have let her go?”

“What are you trying to say, Dad?” Emmeline sneered. “Are you trying to pin my child on Abel?”

Maxwell remained silent, knowing that was exactly what he had been thinking.

“You and Alondra make quite the pair,” Emmeline continued. “She helped her niece pin on Abel, and you’re trying to do the same to your daughter?”

“It seems like being kicked out of this house was the right decision after all,” Emmeline declared, as she took Abel’s hand and said tearfully, “Let’s go. We won’t stoop to the level of these inhuman beings.”

With that, Emmeline and Abel left the Louise family villa, leaving Maxwell and Alondra to contemplate their actions.

As they sat in the car, Emmeline’s tears flowed uncontrollably. “Why do I have such a confused father?” she lamented.

“Come on now, sweetheart,” Abel wrapped his arms around her. “At least your dad is okay. If something had happened to him, we wouldn’t be able to argue with them and would have to rush him to the hospital instead.”

Emmeline thought for a moment and realized that Abel had a point. Luckily, Maxwell was just

pretending to be ill. If he had been really sick, she would have been even more upset.

“What about Alondra?” Emmeline mumbled in Abel’s embrace. “Dad is using his own life as a bargaining chip.”

“Do you really want him to die?” Abel stroked her hair.


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