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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 359

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 359

Abel turned Emmeline’s face towards him and saw that her lips were swollen.

Did he kiss her that hard?

He didn’t even notice, he just felt the sweetness of it all.

Emmeline’s lips were as sweet as honey.

He wanted to kiss her again and again.

“Here, have a mask.”

Abel opened his hand box and took out a mask.

“If you ever dare to make fun of your husband again, this will be your punishment, and…”

Abel leaned in towards Emmeline, menacingly saying, “There will be even harsher… punishment!”

Emmeline took a sharp breath, feeling as though the man next to her bad transformed back into a bellish demon.

“What do you mean by ‘even harsher punishment’?” she timidly asked. “What do you want to do to your wife?”

“What do you think?” Abel huskily whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Even harsher punishment?

Emmeline suddenly understood, and her once-alluring face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

“Abel, you’re so dirty!”

“You’re my wife, how is that dirty?” Abel chuckled, leaning over to help her fasten her seatbelt before starting the sports car and heading back to The Precipice.

Daisy and Kendra had already prepared dinner and everyone was just beginning to eat.

Emmeline was now in a dilemma.

What was she going to do about her swollen lips?

Her lips were swollen like a pig’s mouth, and if the four children and Daisy saw her like this, especially Luca and his buddies, her face would be ruined.

Abel, Abel!

Emmeline looked at him with a pitiful expression. Was he happy now?

Unfortunately, at that moment, Timothy spoke up: “Mommy, you’re already inside, why are you still wearing a mask?”

“I…” Emmeline hurriedly replied, “I caught a cold outside and I’m afraid of infecting you guys.”

“Then Mommy should take some medicine,” Helios said. “Catching a cold can be really uncomfortable.”

“But do we have medicine here?” Endymion asked. “I’ll go get it.”


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