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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 360

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 360

Abel,” Emmeline moaned beneath him. “You’re being unreasonable.”

“You locked your dear husband out of the room,” Abel growled. “You’ve got some nerve.”

“What do you want to do?”

“I said I was going to punish you hard.”

“The kids are downstairs.”

“Daisy and Kendra will keep an eye on them.”

“No, please don’t, you’re such a devil!”

“Who calls the shots, you or me? You’ve given me four children, so don’t be shy with me,” Abel growled as he leaned over her.

“Ah, Emmeline curled up in his arms.

But Abel was just bluffing, trying to scare her After a passionate and intense kiss, he released the trembling woman.

“Will you ever dare to lock your husband out again?” he asked.

“No, I won’t,” Emmeline nestled her face into his shoulder.

“Hehe,” Abel chuckled indulgently.

He lay in bed with Emmeline, gently stroking her hair.

“Don’t worry, my silly little baby. I’ll only…punish you hard on our true honeymoon night,” he reassured her.

“You’re so bad!” Emmeline buried her face in his chest, too

embarrassed to look up. “Now I really can’t show my face in public.”

“Why not?” Abel asked in a low voice. “I didn’t even do anything to you. We didn’t even take off our clothes.”

“You say that!” Emmeline finally lifted her face. “My face is all red and hot, and my neck and ears too. Look what you’ve done!”

Abel finally looked down, and holy cow!

Did I do this?

Emmeline’s delicate and pretty face was covered in love bites, from her cheeks to her neck and ears, making her look absolutely gorgeous.

“This is térrible!” he exclaimed.

Abel gently stroked her slightly swollen face, feeling sorry for her.

“I didn’t think I was being too rough, how did it end up like this?”


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