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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 364

Chapter 364 Beware, I’ll Kiss You on the Spot

"Yes," Emmeline ruffled Timothy's hair affectionately. "So you boys have to take good care of little sister and make sure nobody bullies Quincy."

"Absolutely," Helios thumped his chest. "I represent the sun and I'll protect Quincy!"

"I represent the moon and I'll keep an eye on Quincy!"

"Then I'll represent the stars and surround Quincy."

Kendra was moved to tears, "Thank you so much, young gentlemen, thank you, Ms. Louise and Mr. Abel. Quincy is so lucky!"

"Don't mention it," Emmeline smiled sweetly, untangling her apron. "We're all family here. Come on, let's eat!"

"Right, let's eat!" Abel untied his apron too. "After breakfast, we're all going shopping as a family."

"Let's decorate our home to make it beautiful," Emmeline exclaimed, her eyes crescent-shaped with delight.

"I want a Spider-Man-themed kid's bed and desk," Timothy chimed in.

"I want the same as Timothy," Helios added, "since we both love Spider-Man."

"I want a space capsule-style kid's bed and desk," Endymion declared, "so I can feel like I'm sleeping in space."

"I want a raccoon-themed kid's bed and desk," Hesperus piped up in a sweet, milky voice. "I love raccoons."

"Then we'll get what you want," Abel grinned. "And if the store doesn't have it, we'll have them design and customize it right away!"

"And don't forget Quincy's crib," Timothy reminded everyone. "Daddy and Mommy need to get one for her too."

"Right, and we need to get Quincy some things too," the three boys nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry about that," Kendra grinned. "Daisy and I will go shopping for her and pick out some cute clothes for our little sister."

"That's a great idea," Timothy nodded. "We have to make sure she's dressed to impress, she's our little sister after all."

"Absolutely," Kendra smiled back. "You can count on us, Timmy."

After finishing breakfast, everyone went upstairs to change out of their pajamas into their regular clothes.

Luca had already arranged for the driver to prepare the extended Rolls-Royce.

The family of six left the villa and headed to the city center for some shopping.

Two security cars followed closely behind.


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