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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 365

Chapter 365 Perfect Divine Couple

Exiting the Children's Furniture International Boutique Mall, they made a stop to purchase clothing and bedding for their four sons. The children's needs couldn't be overlooked, of course.

The bodyguards went back and forth, carrying large bags, until both of the SUV's massive trunks were completely filled.

Next up was Emmeline's turn to shop for what she needed. Abel took her to the Struyria International Luxury Center.

Emmeline was drawn to a Parisian brand, and the whole family stepped into the store, causing heads to turn their way.

All six of them garnered attention as they made their way inside.

"Wow," whispered the sales consultant, "they're such a talented and beautiful couple. And their children are like little angels! This family is just too stunning for words."

A group of well-dressed ladies was quick to pull out their phones and snap pictures of the four sons.

"Please, no pictures," Timothy stepped in front, "You're violating the right to privacy. It's illegal."

"Put your phones away, please," Helios sternly stated, "Or we'll call the authorities."

"Please cooperate, and delete any photos you've taken," Endymion firmly requested.

"Once those pictures are out there, we'll hold you responsible!" Hesperus kindly warned them.

"These kids are so clever and quick-witted!" The wealthy ladies had no choice but to put away their phones.

"Whose kids are these? Not only are they beautiful, but also so intelligent and adorable!"

"I know right? I just want to take one of them home with me!"

"Please step aside," Timothy interjected, "Don't block our way to Daddy and Mommy."

The wealthy ladies couldn't help but shift their gaze to Abel and Emmeline. This couple was simply envy-inducing!

They looked so loving and affectionate towards each other. Abel's long arms were wrapped around Emmeline, and she leaned into him like a little bird cuddled in its nest.

They were the perfect divine couple!

"Wait, isn't that Abel Ryker, the CEO of Ryker Group?" Someone recognized Abel.

"That's definitely him!" another woman exclaimed, "Mr. Abel rarely makes public appearances."

"Then these four children must be his sons."

"Of course they are! They look just like a mini version of Mr. Abel himself."

"And that beautiful woman with him must be his wife. They are truly envy-inducing."

"Wow, Mr. Abel is already married and has kids. There goes my daydream."

"Mr. Abel really protects his family well, he never officially announced it."

Alana hid behind a mannequin, watching as the family of six entered the store. Emmeline, with her charming and graceful appearance, was clearly the apple of Abel's eye. The sight of them together made Alana envious.


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