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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Adrien Gets Beat Up

"Get lost, get lost," Luca blocked the princesses with a scowl on his face. "Stay away from our young master!"

"Oh my, your young master is so young and handsome," one of the princesses leaned in closer. "Can't I play with him? I promise we'll make your young master happy."

"Get lost, get lost!" Luca growled. "Our young master isn't here for entertainment, so go away!"

"Not here for entertainment?" the princess laughed, covering her mouth. "Everyone who comes here is here for entertainment. You don't come to the C-area to play poker, do you?"

Emmeline holding a cigar. Without hesitation, she took a puff and blew the smoke in the princesses' faces.

"Who knows which room Adrien's VIP is in? Whoever guesses right, I'll give you a ten thousand reward," she said.

"I know, I know!" The princesses scrambled to answer.

"Mr. Adrien is a regular at the Imperial Palace. Everyone knows where his VIP room is," one of the princesses said.

"Well, tell me then," Emmeline smiled, pulling out a fresh stack of one hundred bills.

"I'll tell you!" One of the princesses snatched the money out of Emmeline's hand. "Adrien is in room 5 on the thirteenth floor. He's been holed up in there for a few days now."

"Good girl," Emmeline ran her smooth hand over the princess's cheek.

The princess was left dumbfounded, her hand still caressing her face as she stared off into space.

"What's wrong?" the other princess asked. "You're only happy for ten thousand?"

The first princess looked at Emmeline's graceful figure as she walked away and said, "Oh my God, that guy's hand was even smoother and softer than my face!"

Emmeline and Luca stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the thirteenth floor.

As they exited the elevator, Emmeline once again held the cigar in her mouth, half-closing her eyes and pretending to be nonchalant.

Luca followed behind her and thought to himself: "Ms. Louise, as a woman, has no other way to go, but if she were a man, even Mr. Abel might not have a chance against her."

With her carefree and debonair attitude, Emmeline was simply a femme fatale, capable of charming any woman.

Emmeline and Luca arrived at room number five, and she signaled for Luca to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" a woman's voice asked, sounding coquettish.

"We're delivering drinks for Mr. Adrien," Luca said, pinching his nose.


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