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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 374

Chapter 374 Plenty of Fish in the Sea

"Mr. Adrien," Luca spoke up. "Could you please put on some clothes before you speak?"

"Luca?" Adrien recognized the voice and attempted to sit up, but was promptly kicked back down onto the bed by Emmeline's swift foot.

Luca quickly caught up and pulled the covers over Adrien, leaving only his head exposed.

As Adrien lay there, he finally got a good look at the young, handsome "young man" who had just kicked him twice. Although he couldn't quite place where he had seen him before, there was something familiar about him.

"Who are you?" Adrien demanded, shocked that someone would have the audacity to strike him. "You have some nerve attacking me. Do you want to die?"

Emmeline squinted her eyes and crushed her cigar into the ashtray on the table.

"Adrien, you really are bored with life!" Her delicate and beautiful appearance belied her crisp and cold voice.

"Emma!" Adrien exclaimed, startled, and attempted to leap up from the bed.

But Luca quickly threw himself on top of him, holding him down firmly.

"Luca, let go! Emma's here, I need to talk to her!" Adrien demanded.

"Mr. Adrien," Luca restrained him. "You can talk, but please put on some clothes first."

"Clothes?" Adrien repeated in confusion.

Luca nodded. "Well, you're practically naked. How can you face Ms. Louise like this?"

Adrien nodded in agreement. "Right, right. My clothes, please bring them here so I can get dressed quickly."

Luca looked around and found Adrien's closet, throwing his shirt and pants out.

Meanwhile, Emmeline stood with her arms crossed, turning her back to Adrien.

Adrien quickly grabbed his clothes and dressed in a matter of seconds.

"Emma, I'm dressed now. You can turn around and talk to me," Adrien said, eager to continue their conversation.

Emmeline turned back around to face Adrien, who was struggling to button up his shirt.

"I never thought you would act so recklessly," Emmeline sneered. "Adrien, you've disappointed me."

Adrien laughed bitterly. "What right do you have to lecture me? You're not my woman!"


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