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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 375

Chapter 375 Five Doses of Regret Medicine

"I think you should think about your mother right now," Emmeline said, hugging her arms. "Women can always be found again, but if you lose your mother, there's no replacing her."

"How's my mom doing now?" Adrien's head seemed to clear up a lot.

"I gave her a heart attack with all the stress I caused," he said. "I feel so guilty!"

"Just feeling guilty won't help," Emmeline said. "You need to go be with her. If her mood improves, it will help with her recovery."

"I'm so regretful," Adrien said, covering his face. "If I hadn't been so reckless, my mom wouldn't be so sick."

"I have a few doses of regret medicine here," Emmeline said.

Emmeline pulled out the prepared medicine from her pocket. "You can give this to Auntie. I believe it will take away your regrets."

"What do you mean?" Adrien looked at the medicine in Emmeline's hand. "There's no such thing as regret medicine."

"This is it," Emmeline said. "It will help Auntie's heart disease, and for you, that's regret medicine, isn't it?"

"Where did you get this medicine?" Adrien asked skeptically. "Does it work?"

"It's a secret family recipe," Emmeline said. "Works like a charm. It's a must-have in every household."

Adrien took the medicine from Emmeline, holding it up to his nose to smell it.

"Take one pack a day for five days, and Auntie can leave the hospital. Then you won't have any regrets," Emmeline said.

"... Alright," Adrien nodded. "I'll give it a try for my mom."

Emmeline nodded. "This is a secret family recipe from Louise's family. I'm breaking the rules to save Auntie."

Luca was wondering where Emmeline got this miraculous medicine. But upon hearing that it was a secret family recipe from Louise's family, he stopped wondering. Otherwise, if he reported this to Mr. Abel, Mr. Abel would also be wondering.

"Thank you, Emma," Adrien nodded. "If my mom gets better, I won't act recklessly again."

"Find a good woman, get married, and have babies," Emmeline said. "Have ten or eight at once."

"I'll definitely find someone better than Emma," Adrien's eyes lit up with hope. "I'll make her have more babies than Abel does."

Emmeline fell silent, her expression thoughtful. Luca simply looked on, his expression unreadable.

Finally, Emmeline nodded. "Adrien, I wish you all the best in making your dreams come true."



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