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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Secret Family Recipe

"I know Mr. Benjamin has feelings for Emma," Abel said. "Emma is my woman, and I'll protect her with my life."

"That's good to hear!" Benjamin and Ethan both nodded in agreement.

They trusted Abel's character, and one thing about him was that he never allowed any young women to be around him except for his family.

This one trait alone had defeated countless men.

However, Benjamin still let out a soft sigh.

After four years of watching over Emmeline, she still didn't belong to him.

The three men returned to the private room just as the food was being served.

Grace opened the birthday cake that Benjamin had bought and placed candles on it.

"Happy birthday, Skylar."

"Make a wish quickly," the four youngsters cheered.

Skylar closed his eyes and made a wish as he blew out the candles in one breath.

With her wish made, the candle flames flickered and died.

"Skylar, what did you wish for?" Timothy asked.

Helios, Endymion, and Hesperus urged her on, "Come on, tell us all about it."

"A wish can't be revealed, hahaha," Skylar laughed happily.

"Well, then give us the cake," the four youngsters said eagerly.

"I'll do it, I'll do it," Grace said as she began to cut the cake.

And so began a joyous birthday feast.

Adrien left the Imperial Palace and went home to take a nap. When the alcohol wore off, he got up and took a hot shower. Feeling refreshed, he put on his suit and brought five doses of "Regret Medicine" to the hospital to see his mother.

As soon as Julianna saw her son, she burst into tears, which made Adrien's eyes feel watery too. He regretted not coming to accompany his mother two days earlier.

Julianna took her son's hand and sobbed, "It's been days since your father came to see me, and your brother hasn't shown up either. I've been so sad."

Adrien patted his mother's hand and said, "You still have me. From now on, I won't lead a dissolute life anymore. I will take good care of you until you get better."

"But my illness, the doctor said it will stay with me. I'm scared," Julianna said.


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