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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380 Winning at Life

Dr. Carter left with a hint of regret in his eyes.

Adrien took charge of his mother's care, carefully brewing the medicinal herbs she needed. After the first dose, Julianna felt a sense of relief and her spirits lifted.

"Adrien," Julianna spoke up, "did Emmeline convince you to come back?"

Adrien nodded. "Emma is the best woman. I always listen to her."

Julianna sighed. "I used to dislike her, but now I see that she's actually quite nice. Abel really lucked out with her."

"Adam hasn't come home in the past few days. He's feeling down about his recent defeat. He's never lost so badly before," Adrien shared.

"Get Adam to find a way to put that Abel in his place. He's too arrogant!" Julianna gritted her teeth in frustration. "And don't even get me started on your Uncle Lewis and his brood of four grandsons. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

Adrien remained silent, his heart heavy with emotion.

He wished that Alana's scheme had succeeded, that way the triplets would be his children, and Emmeline would be his wife. But unfortunately, Alana had lost miserably, and now she was in hot water with the law.

Adam had managed to pull some strings and get her off the hook, otherwise, she would be facing several years behind bars.


The next day was Saturday, and the Quadruplets didn't have to go to preschool.

Emmeline headed off to Adelmar Studios for her work as a stunt double, which she loved. Abel was a bit worried, but he knew better than to try and stop her. He understood that Emmeline valued her independence and freedom.

He would simply offer her advice or assistance when needed, or sometimes even solve problems for her behind the scenes.

There were still many tasks that needed to be handled at the Ryker Group that day.

Abel thought for a moment and decided to take the Quadruplets with him to work. The four little ones were thrilled at the idea, even Timothy who had never been to the Ryker Group before.

As soon as they heard that Daddy was taking them, the Quadruplets rushed to change their clothes. However, Daisy and the chef had gone out to buy groceries and were not yet back.

Kendra was busy trying to soothe Quincy to sleep and carefully placed her in the stroller.


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