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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Evelyn’s Secret Meeting With Emmeline

"Daddy, we're back!"

"Daddy, the Ryker Group is so huge!"

"Daddy, all these people work for you?"

"Daddy is so amazing, I admire Daddy the most!"

The four children ran in, vying for Abel's attention and climbing all over him like monkeys. In no time, Abel had become a tree covered in little monkeys.

Evelyn was stunned, slowly rising from the couch. "Mr. Abel...who are these children?"

"Can't you tell, Ms. Evelyn?" Abel sneered back. "Do you really think I'd be holding someone else's son?"

Evelyn stuttered, "They, they're your children? They look exactly like you!"

"Well, of course," Abel said, a hint of pride in his voice. "These are my quadruplets, born to my wife."

"Your...your wife?"

"Daddy's wife is our Mommy," Timothy proudly answered for Abel. "Her name is Emmeline."

"Emmeline is the most beautiful Mommy in the world!"

"We all love our Mommy."

"Daddy loves Mommy more, they always lovey-dovey in front of us every day!"

"But..." Evelyn's face turned red with embarrassment. "Lizbeth told me something different."

"That was a misunderstanding," Abel said coldly. "Now that you know the truth, you can leave."

Evelyn felt mortified. She could feel her face turning red, then white.

She awkwardly chuckled, "I guess it was just a misunderstanding. I'll just take it as a visit to a friend."

"Ms. Evelyn and I are strangers," Abel said. "We're not even friends. Please take your gift and leave."

Evelyn was at a loss for words. She didn't know whether to stay or leave.

"Please, Ms. Evelyn," Abel said. "I have to take my sons up to the rooftop for some sunshine."


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