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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 381

Chapter 381 Evelyn From Altney Arrives

Abel looked on with contentment as the children played together, their love for each other evident. Riding the CEO elevator up to the 89th floor, Luca led the quadruplets on a tour of the building.

Meanwhile, Abel was swamped with work, barely able to keep up. As he was buried in his tasks, his secretary knocked lightly on the half-closed door.

"What is it?" Abel asked without looking up.

"Mr. Abel," the secretary said, "there's a visitor here, but they didn't have an appointment."

"Turn them away," Abel replied, still focused on his work. "I don't have time for unannounced guests."

"Sure," the secretary said, turning to leave. "I'll let them know."

"No need," a clear voice spoke from behind the secretary. "I've already made my way here."

At that moment, Abel raised his gaze, and his eyes landed on a young woman standing tall at the door. She was stunning, possessing a classical elegance that was undeniable. But he didn't recognize her.

"Miss," the secretary frowned. "Mr. Abel doesn't have time to see you."

"Not even if I'm a member of the Murphy family from Altney?" The woman smiled lightly, her tone friendly.

"The Murphy family from Altney?" Abel furrowed his brows. "Who might you be, miss?"

"Evelyn," the woman smiled. "The name should be familiar to you, Mr. Abel."

Abel set down his pen.

Evelyn. He knew that name.

A few years ago, the Murphy family from Altney had approached the Ryker family to arrange a marriage between their families. And the person they had in mind was Evelyn.

At the time, Abel was not yet the successor of the Ryker Group. But the Murphy family had made it clear that they would only consider the successor of the Ryker Group as a suitable partner.

Little did they know that once Abel had taken over, he had immediately declined their proposal.

His Ryker Group didn't need to strengthen its position through a marriage alliance. And Abel himself had no interest in such matters.

So the proposal had been forgotten and never mentioned again.

Now, the sudden appearance of Evelyn had caught Abel off guard.

"I've heard of Mr. Abel's reputation as a talented individual," Evelyn said, smiling gracefully. "And seeing you today, it's clear that your reputation is well-deserved."

Abel's tone was cold and distant as he asked, "May I ask what brings you here today, Ms. Evelyn?"

"Wouldn't you invite me in for a chat, Mr. Abel?" Evelyn smiled politely.

Abel gestured for Evelyn to come in, and she gracefully made her way to the sofa, placing her expensive Hermes handbag on her lap.


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