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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Person From The Adelmar Clan

"Umm, the last dosage today…" Julianna's eyes wandered. "It fell to the floor. It's not usable anymore."

"Oh, I see." Emmeline nodded. "Sure. I'll make you one more and have it delivered."

Emmeline was clearly unhappy after the call ended.

"Emma," Abel started. "Luca mentioned you prepared medication for Aunt Juliana. I was wondering about that. You could do that?"

"It's a medicinal recipe passed down in the Louise family."

She explained. "The Louise lineage can be traced back to a royal physician. We have quite a few of those recipes hidden away."

"I see," Abel said. "And here I was thinking you were the Wonder Doctor."

"Wonder Doctor?" She smiled. "I've heard you guys mention this doctor before."

"Grandad had also tried to get me to propose to the Wonder Doctor at one point."

"What happened after that?" She asked playfully.

"You have to ask?" He pinched her cheek. "Because you were the one I wanted!"

She giggled. "Do you regret it?"

"Why would I?" He picked her up. "It's not like the Wonder Doctor gave birth to four of my kids."

"What if I am the Wonder Doctor herself?"

"I'd be the luckiest guy on earth then." He shook his head. "I'm not out to win a lottery. What's important is that you're mine now. I'm content with having you by my side."

She happily nestled herself into his arms.

She felt cocooned by the security he offered.

"When are you heading out to deliver the medicine?" He was cradling her as if she were a child. "I'll come with you."

"Jealous much?" She pouted. "Afraid I'm going to speak with Adrien?"

"A little." He kissed her cheek. "You almost got engaged to him. Just thinking about it scares me."

"But nothing is going on between us." She pinched his face. "You're such a pain!"

"I know there's nothing going on between the two of you." He tightened his grip around her. "I'm worried about him not keeping his hands to himself. He's obsessed with you."


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