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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 Emmeline Is An Adelmar

"I don't know what he's up to either," Julianna said. "He came here in a hurry, took what he needed, and left."

Abel's expression turned grim.

Adam was a man who knew how to scheme and was insidious and cunning.

His actions of taking the medication Emmeline had prepared meant that he was targeting her.

He believed the medicine was non-toxic and harmless. Even if Adam tried, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

So, what exactly is he after?

It's just medicine to treat a condition. What use does he have for it?

"Come on, Emma." Abel held her by her shoulder. "We got it delivered. We should get going."

"Okay." She handed the package to Julianna and followed Abel out of the ward.

"I don't know what Adam is planning."

Abel was also on guard. "You should be careful. Don't get close to him."

"I know." She nodded. Burden weighed her heart.

Adam shouldn't have gone out of his way to take the medicine.

"Tell me if anything happens, Emma. Don't make rash decisions on your own."

"I know." She took his arm as they approached the elevator. "There's nothing to worry about."


Adam took the medicine packet and headed straight for the Ryker residence.

He also carried with him a few special needles.

He was certain his grandfather would recognize them.

Oscar and the Adelmar family despised one another. This was a fact that only he was privy to.

He was also the only one among the three brothers who had a run-in with the Adelmar family.

Oscar was currently having a pleasant tea time at the table.

The old man was barely surprised to see Adam walk in. "Come join me for some tea."

Adam sat across from him.

Oscar offered his grandson a cup of tea.

Adam took a sip after taking a thorough whiff.


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