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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 395

Chapter 395 Luring The Protector 2

"Alright, never mind. We're done for today." Oscar finally gave up. "The domestic operations seem to be running smoothly."

"Yes." Abel nodded. "The Ryker Group is currently the leading company domestically."

"What about the overseas market?" The elder finally got to why he was truly here.

"The foreign markets are doing well. We're gaining momentum against our competitors."

"It's not enough to just talk about it," Oscar said. "There was also that overseas partner that caused us trouble last time around. I think you should go take a look yourself. I feel uneasy otherwise."

"I've carefully instructed the overseas branch on what to do. Everything will be dealt with in a timely manner."

"So what if you hand it off to the overseas branch? It's not like they can control our partners abroad."

"It's fine for now. You have nothing to worry about, Grandad."

"It's only natural that I worry," Oscar continued. "The stability of the overseas market is related to the Ryker Group's development. It's always on my mind."

What is Grandad trying to say?

"I think you should travel abroad to look over them to play it safe."

Abel frowned and said nothing in response.

Oscar's sudden demand for him to go abroad to visit their business partners overseas put a bad taste in his mouth.

There had to be more with his request.

Rather than just a harmless visitation, Oscar's sudden appearance seemed to concern his request for him to go abroad.

"I'm talking to you. Are you listening to me?" Oscar asked sternly.

"Whatever do you mean, Grandad?"

"Am I not making myself clear?"

"I want you to travel abroad to see what our partners are up to overseas and report back to me!"

"I got it." Abel nodded. "I'll arrange for a trip in two days."

He could tell that his grandfather's purpose was for him to go on a business trip.

"That's too late. Make it tomorrow," Oscar said. "Have the secretary book you a flight."

"Okay." Abel nodded calmly. "I'll give the order."


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