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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Luring The Protector 1

Oscar went upstairs to get changed once the conversation between grandfather and grandson came to a close.

An hour later, the two of them arrived at Sunny Avenue and found Mr. Ywain.

Mr. Ywain was an old friend of Oscar's who specialized in the likes of fortune-telling and esoteric medicine.

The man took a look at the herbs contained in the pack and took whiffs to identify what was in them.

He began to explain, "I can't say for certain that this is a formula from the Adelmar Clan but to see herbs formulated this way and working this well… Only Robert Adelmar would come up with something like this."

Oscar's expression turned grave.

"But Robert hasn't been in the country," Mr. Ywain said. "Where did you get this, Oscar?"

"A girl gave this to us," he answered. "I'll be interrogating her."

"In my opinion." Mr. Ywain stroked his beard. "It wouldn't be far-fetched to say the girl is a disciple of Robert himself."

Oscar and Adam shared a look and left with their findings.

The elder began to speak once they stepped out of the courtyard. "Emmeline is not a simple girl, is she?"

"Is she here to mess with the Rykers on purpose?" Adam frowned.

"That's impossible." Oscar immediately pushed the notion aside. "She was pregnant with Abel's children."

"She must've met Robert Adelmar in the four years after she gave birth then. She then returned to us," Adam deduced.

"But she doesn't seem like she's trying anything. She gave birth and was more than ready to settle down after marriage."

"You forget, Grandad." Adam lowered his voice. "You told me yourself that you and Robert Adelmar hold a grudge against one another. He wouldn't just forget about it now, would he?"

"But it's me who can't let it go! The pain of losing a son…"

Adam listened intently only for the old man to wave it off. "Forget it."

"Are you going to keep Emmeline around with the Rykers then?"

"..." Oscar's brows furrowed. "You think Emmeline might be targeting me?"

"I'm afraid she might be a pawn Robert had planted."

"That…" Oscar didn't know what to say. "So, what do you say we do?"

"If she really is someone from the Adelmar Clan, that means we have a ticking time bomb in our midst."

"Yes, but Abel is on her side. How are we going to get Emmeline long enough to interrogate her?'

"That's easy." Adam leaned in to whisper into his grandfather's ear.


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