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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Teach Benjamin a Lesson

"Let's not talk about her anymore," Abel said, "Tomorrow, Emma and I will come over for dinner. We'll head back now."

"Okay," Lewis nodded, "Work is important, so let's go back quickly."

Leaving Levan Mansion, Abel told Emmeline about the Adelmar Clan.

"It's a pity that even Dad doesn't know the grudge between Grandad and the Adelmar Clan," He said.

"Well, it's none of my business anyway," Emmeline said.

"Even if it is your business, and even if you are the head of the clan, I wouldn't care," Abel nodded.

Emmeline looked at him.

"You are my little girl, the mother of my child. That's enough!"

These words made Emmeline feel warm inside.

She was worried that being a disciple of Robert would make Abel angry with her, but it seemed like there was nothing to worry about.

Besides, she was Robert Adelmar's disciple, so what?

She did not steal, did not rob, and did not break the law.

Abel hugged Emmeline and rubbed her smooth hair, smiling indulgently.

"I'll go to Nightfall Cafe," Emmeline said. "You can pick me up after work."

"Or we can just stay in Nightfall Cafe," Abel kissed her hair, "Just two of us."

Emmeline blushed. "Hmm," she shyly responded.

Then she held Abel's face and quickly kissed his lips.

Luca sat in the passenger seat, witnessing the public display of affection of the couple in the back.

The Rolls-Royce stopped by the roadside in the Nightfall Cafe.

Emmeline got out of the car from the sidewalk direction.

The Rolls-Royce merged into the traffic.

Abel watched Emmeline behind the curtain until her small figure bounced up the steps and entered the glass door. Only then did Abel reluctantly close the curtain.

No matter how he looked at her, he could not bear to let go.

I hold her in my hands for fear of dropping her and keep her in his mouth for fear of melting.

My heart is filled with love for her.

As Emmeline entered the room, he saw Janie sitting on a chair with her back facing him while Sam sat opposite her.

When Emmeline came in, Sam jumped up from her chair and rushed to the door in two steps.


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