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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 409

Chapter 409 Everything Has Its Vanquisher

"What's wrong with you, Emma?" Benjamin asked, "You sound miserable. Did Abel bully you?"

"It's not about Abel," Emma replied.

Benjamin felt it had something to do with him and said kindly, "Okay, Ms. Louise. I'll come over immediately. Don't worry."

After hanging up, Janie looked at Emma with big, blinking eyes.

Emma has supernatural powers. Or, rather, captivating powers!

Why did Benjamin listen to her?

They do not seem like ordinary friends.

"Benjamin will be here soon," Emma said to Janie, "If you have any grievances, he should take the blame for everything."

"Emma, I wonder," Janie said, "Why does Benjamin do whatever you tell him? He's practically bowing down to you."

"This is love, for they say everything has its vanquisher." After speaking, Emmeline got up and went upstairs to change clothes.

Janie was left behind, pondering these two sentences.

Benjamin arrived shortly after.

Emmeline also changed into sportswear and came downstairs.

As soon as Benjamin saw Janie, he understood what was going on.

"I didn't tell on you, Benjamin," Janie immediately jumped up, "Emma figured it out herself."

"That's right," Emmeline crossed her arms, "Benjamin, just confess. How did you treat our Janie? Making her cry and wipe her tears again."

Benjamin looked aggrieved, "What did I do to her?"

"But Janie said something about you can do anything, and you didn't. What does it mean?" Emmeline added.

Benjamin suddenly realized and slapped his forehead, saying, "Is that all?"

"Yeah," Emmeline said, "What else do you want?"

"It's all your fault," Benjamin said, "Last time, you told me to invite Janie to dinner."

Emmeline pressed against her cheek and thought about it. It is true.

"Oh, right, I did say that. Did you invite her?"

"On Skylar's birthday, Janie said to do anything, so I did as she said."


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