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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 411

Chapter 411 I Will Get You in This Life

Emmeline glanced at Benjamin, who was still beside her.

But Benjamin had already heard Abel's voice on the phone.

This man was claiming her as his lover.

Benjamin took a step towards the stairs.

Emmeline quickly kissed him over the phone.

On the other end, Abel also gave a kiss.

Although Benjamin had already walked several steps, he could still hear the sweet kissing sound. His heart was suddenly pierced with pain.

The girl he had protected for several years was now happy and content. Thinking about it, he was pretty happy too.

When Abel came over, it had already been over an hour.

He and Luca entered through the glass door, one after the other.

Sam was busy behind the console. Her face turned red quietly when she was them coming.

She did not have any work to do. She was tidying up here and there.

Pick it up, put it down, and pick it up again.

Emmeline looked around and saw Luca deliberately turning his head and looking outside the window unnaturally.

Emmeline smiled slightly.

Janie washed her face upstairs and put on Emmeline's skincare products. Her little face was pink and watery.

Benjamin flicked her forehead with his finger and said, "Now you're happy. You win!"

"I admire Emma," Janie looked at him, "It seems that you will only listen to her."

"Shh, be quiet," Benjamin said, "Be careful not to let the jealous Abel hear your words. He will misunderstand."

Janie quickly covered her mouth and looked at Abel.

Abel was talking face-to-face with Emmeline.

He touched Emmeline's smooth, shiny, long hair, full of love and indulgence.

"Benjamin," Janie said with infinite envy, "When will you treat me like that?"

Benjamin looked back at the affectionate couple and said to Janie, "Maybe in the next life."

"I won't wait for the next life," Janie said fiercely, "In this life, I will get you."

When he heard it, Benjamin scoffed and laughed.

He might have been attracted to the girl before him if he had not fallen in love with Emmeline four years ago.

"Benjamin," Abel walked over, "Do you know a good place to eat?"


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