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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 412

Chapter 412 Marriage-Seeking Advertisement

It took them forty minutes to get to Fifteen Avery Park during rush hour traffic.

The waiter led them to the reserved table.

The four of them sat down, and the waiter served the dishes.

A beautiful wedding dress advertisement was playing on the display screen on the opposite wall.

Janie asked Emmeline, "Have you booked your wedding dress yet?"

"I'm planning to go in two days," Emmeline replied.

"Do you like the brand from Faulkay?" Janie asked. "I know a designer specializing in designing wedding dresses for a popular brand in Faulkay. His works have won awards in Remdik for two consecutive years."

"Then please introduce her to me," Emmeline said. "I'll ask her to design my wedding dress, so I don't have to worry about it."

"Okay," Janie said. "Although time is a bit short, it's completely doable. I'll make an appointment with her tomorrow."

"Great," Emmeline nodded happily. "Thank you in advance, Janie."

"Never mind," Janie smiled. "On your wedding day, let me be your bridesmaid."

"You're too late for that," Emmeline laughed, "Endymion and Hesperus are already bridesmaids."

"What?" Janie exclaimed. "Two handsome kids as bridesmaids?"

"They volunteered to dress up as little girls," Emmeline happily squinted his eyes. "Think how adorable they will be."

Janie quickly imagined it and thought the chubby little dolls in wedding dresses were so cute.

She decided not to compete with them anymore. Otherwise, she could not witness their cute appearance as little girls.

"I think it's a good idea," Janie said, "Just thinking about it makes me want to hug one."

Emmeline said, "I also think it's so lovely."

"Is the best man for the wedding Timmy and Helios?" Benjamin asked, "I have no chance to compete with them anymore."

Abel laughed, "Benjamin, do you still want to be my best man?"

"Why?" Benjamin glanced at him, "Do you think I'm too old?"

"Hahaha," Abel could not help but laugh, "You're not old. I'm just afraid you'll steal the show."

"When I get married someday, you can be my best man and steal the show back," Benjamin suggested.

"But then they will think I'm too old," Abel joked, "I've seen the best men whose children are already four or five years old."


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