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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 425

Chapter 425 Drama

Adrien's party became the headlines in Struyria. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen. Which beauty would Adrien get together with? This had become the greatest gossip in Struyria. Reporters also took advantage of this chance to make their news gain popularity.

It was said that Adrien's ideal partner was someone as beautiful as Emmeline. This also sparked gossip. Could it be that Adrien was secretly in love with Emmeline? He was too bold. Emmeline's husband, Abel, was like a devil from hell, but Adrien dared to provoke him?

Moreover, to be able to gather so many beautiful women who looked similar was also interesting. However, the background of these women had not been revealed yet. Either way, it seemed like there would be lots of drama today. It could even be said that a situation like this was unprecedented.

Emmeline was also curious how so many women looked like her at the party, so Abel had brought her over earlier. How similar were they to her? Emmeline could not wait to watch the show.

Once everyone had arrived, Adam also arrived. Alana wore a black bodyguard uniform and mixed in with the other bodyguards. She also wore a wig, sunglasses, and black gloves, making her disguise look legit. Even Adam thought she looked like an actual bodyguard.

Alana looked at Emmeline through the crowd. Emmeline wore a long blue dress with her hair down, making her look beautiful and pure.

Abel stood by Emmeline's side like a protective deity as he wrapped his arm around her slim waist. Emmeline seemed to be filled with happiness as she was in his arms. Abel would lower his head occasionally to look and chat with her.

Abel's face was filled with gentleness, and Alana had never seen him give her such a gentle smile before. Her heart was filled with jealousy and hatred. She clenched her hand, which had lost two fingers, and gritted her teeth.

Emmeline, how can you be that happy? I've become like this, so what right do you have to be so happy? Damn you, Emmeline! I won't let you continue having such a good life! Just you wait! Today, one of us will fall!

Alana gritted her teeth so much that the bodyguard beside her looked at her strangely.


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