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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Our Marriage Agreement

"No, I just want to change jobs. I don't want to work there anymore," Janie explained.

"Aren't you lying? Who else can become a Company Secretary at such a young age like you?" Emmeline said.

Janie stayed silent. Of course, she did not want to resign, but she did not want to face Benjamin. She did not want him to use money or a loveless marriage to compensate her. It was better for them to not see each other.

"Wait, I'll ask Benjamin to apologize to you! He must have offended you!" Emmeline immediately took out her phone.

"No, it really has nothing to do with him." Janie stopped Emmeline as she shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"That's impossible. You wouldn't resign if everything's fine!" Emmeline said.

"Emma, I beg you, don't call Benjamin." Janie was going to cry.

"Once we're done here, I'll go to Adelmar to visit him personally! Let's see if he still dares to bully you!"

"Emmeline, you're here?"

As they were arguing, a beautiful figure walked over.

Emmeline and Janie looked over and saw that it was Evelyn. This woman actually came? Emmeline and Janie glanced at each other.

Of course, Evelyn said that the Ryker and Murphy families had always been friends, so it was normal for her to be there. However, Abel was taken aback. Why's this woman here?

"Mr. Abel." Upon seeing Abel, Eveyln naturally walked over to his side and held his arm. "I'm friends with Emmeline. Who knew that we would meet here?"

Abel shook off her hand with a cold expression and did not believe what she said. "Emma and you are friends?"

"Yep. We even chose her wedding dress together that day and chatted happily, right Emmeline?"


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