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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 427

Chapter 427 Adrien Has Always Been Fancy

Emmeline picked up the remaining glass and smiled at Evelyn.

"I won't bother you two anymore." Evelyn took a sip of red wine and left with a smile.

"Let's go inside and see how Adrien's preparations are going," Abel said with his arm wrapped around Emmeline's shoulders.

"Sure." Emmeline looked around and passed the glass of red wine to the maid at the side. She did not want to look drunk as her face would be flushed if she drank red wine. The maid then took the glass and put it on the drinks counter.

Adrien had just finished changing in the room on the second floor and was looking at himself in the mirror.

His assistant walked in and said to him, "Mr. Abel and Ms. Louise are here."

"Let them in! I need to ask them whether I look alright," Adrien quickly said.

His assistant then went out to invite Abel and Emmeline in. "Please come in."

"Abel, Emma! Do you guys think I look better in a black or gray suit?" Adrien had walked out of his cloakroom and asked them.

Abel and Emmeline looked at him and saw that he was currently wearing a black suit, making him look good and elegant."

"A black suit." Emmeline thought that black would make one look dependable.

"I think gray will look better. Black makes him look a little like a bodyguard." Abel tilted his head as he observed Adrien.

"How does black make one look like a bodyguard? Aren't you wearing black too?" Emmeline asked.

"I'm used to it, but Adrien is different from me. He has always been fancy," Abel said.

Emmeline did not say anything else as she agreed with Abel.

"Abel, you're making fun of me in front of Emma! I've always been well-dressed because of Granny. She liked treating me like a daughter," Adrien said while blushing.

"Anyway, I suggest you wear a gray suit. It suits your temperament better," Abel said.

"Temperament? What temperament do I have?" Adrien asked.

"Gray looks more luxurious than black, which suits your noble temperament," Abel explained.


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