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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 434

Chapter 434 Take Emma Away, We Can’t Save Her Here

After turning around the corner, Robert saw a dozen bodyguards there indeed.

He frowned and sent a text to Benjamin. “Ben, I’m here.”

Soon, the emergency room doors flung open. Both Benjamin and Abel came out. Robert quickly walked inside the emergency room when the bodyguards were flustered. Benjamin and Abel returned to the emergency room and closed the doors.

Both men knelt at the same time. Abel spoke first, “Old man, I’m willing to give you my life. Please save Emma!

“Who are you?” Robert looked at the handsome man in front of him.

“He is Emma’s lover. The father of the four children.” Benjamin said.”

“Four children?” Robert asked, “Why is there another child? Did this man have another child with another woman?”

“No, the child was also Emma’s. However, he was taken away when he was born.” Benjamin answered for Abel.

Robert breathed a sigh of relief and pitied Abel.

He pulled both men up and said, “Stand up.”

Abel stood up after feeling a force tugging him. He was surprised. The old man in front of him, who looked like a middle-aged man, should not be underestimated.

“How is Emma?” Robert frowned.

Benjamin shook his head, “If Emma hadn’t sealed her meridians, she would have already been…”

Robert frowned.

“Master Adelmar, I’m willing to accept any punishment for my mistake.” Said Benjamin.

“There’s no use saying anything right now,” Robert sneered.

“Let me take a look at Emma first,” Robert said while walking towards the operating table. Emma lay on the table motionless. Robert frowned when he put his fingers on Emma’s wrist to check her condition.

“Master Adelmar, Emma’s situation doesn’t look good.” Benjamin and Abel said anxiously.

After he said that, Robert waved his hands at Abel. Abel could smell a weird fragrance before he passed out.

“Master Adelmar, what are you doing…” Benjamin was shocked.

“Take Emma away, we can't save her here,” Robert said.


“The helicopter is waiting. We’ll head back to Osea immediately.”

“What about the children?”

“Order Daisy and Sam to take good care of them.”

“Yes, Master. I will inform Sam immediately.” Said Benjamin.

Robert opened the window at the back of the emergency room. Benjamin wrapped Emma in some sheets and jumped out the window while carrying her.


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