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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 435

Chapter 435 All Three of Them Vanished Together

The emergency room doors were pushed open. Luca, Evelyn, and Janie all rushed in. The room and the operation table were empty. Only Abel was standing in front of the window.

“Mr. Abel, where are they? Why are you alone?” Luca was dumbfounded.

“They took my Emma!”

Luca did not know how to respond.

Abel held his head and shouted, “Emma!”

Luca saw the window and realized what happened. Emma was taken away through the window. He wondered why they took Emmeline away and whether she was still alive.

“Mr. Abel, calm down. Now that it has come to this…” Evelyn approached Abel and said gently.

“Get lost! Don’t get close to me!” Abel shouted before Evelyn could finish.

Evelyn was stunned and stood there.

“I said get lost! Did you not hear me?” Abel shouted again.

Evelyn’s face went pale. She felt embarrassed to be chased away twice in front of Luca, Janie, and all the bodyguards.

However, she still would not give up and said, “Mr. Abel. I am Emmeline’s friend. I am anxious too now that something has happened to her…”

“I don’t need you here. You don’t understand what I say!” Abel said while glaring at her.

Evelyn trembled with fear and stepped back.

“Ms. Evelyn, Mr. Abel isn’t used to other women around him. Please stay away from him.” Advised Janie.

Evelyn backed away. She thought Emmeline was boasting when Emmeline said there were no other women around Abel’s side. After experiencing what she went through, Evelyn finally believed Emmeline. Abel would not allow any other women to get close to him. However, that was exactly the type of man Evelyn liked. She knew he was the one for her ever since she saw him at the Ryker Group’s office. If she had known how charming Abel was, she would have thrown herself at him back then, but she felt it was still not too late since Emmeline was missing now…

“Mr. Ryker, what happened here? Where are Emma and Benjamin?” asked Janie.

“I said they took Emma away! Don’t you understand?” Abel said.

“That’s…” Janie was confused indeed. She could not figure out why all three of them vanished after the old man came here.

Janie tried to call Benjamin, but he switched off his phone. She frowned and called the secretary’s office since there should already be working there and indeed someone answered.


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