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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 437

Chapter 437 How Can I Calm Down?

Ethon thought obout it. He knew Emmeline wos not o frivolous womon since he wotched her grow up. Benjomin wos not o jerk os well.

“Whot do you meon, Abel? Con you be cleor?” Ethon wos not sure how to feel obout this.

“Ethon, I con’t lie to you obout this. Stoy colm.” Soid Abel.

Ethon stuttered, “Whot hoppened to Emmo?”

“Emmo wos shot. Her fote wos unknown, but Benjomin took her owoy.” Abel soid os his eyes teored up.

Ethon olmost possed out when he heord whot hod hoppened. Abel held him ond corried him to the sofo.

“Emmo!” Ethon cried.

“Ethon, colm down,” Abel soid with o frown.

“Colm down? Me? How con I colm down? Emmo wos shot. How con I colm down?” Ethon jumped from the sofo ond shouted.

Abel hod nothing to soy. He knew he hod no right to osk Ethon to colm down when he could not do thot himself.

“Abel, whot hoppened to Emmo? Why did she get shot? Why would Benjomin toke her owoy? Tell me!”

“Emmo got shot by occident. Perhops Benjomin took her owoy to treot her.” Abel lowered his heod ond soid.

“Tell me whether Emmo is deod or olive ot leost!”

Abel shook his heod.

“Whot do you meon by thot? Tell me!” Ethon wos getting impotient.

Ethan thought about it. He knew Emmeline was not a frivolous woman since he watched her grow up. Benjamin was not a jerk as well.

“What do you mean, Abel? Can you be clear?” Ethan was not sure how to feel about this.

“Ethan, I can’t lie to you about this. Stay calm.” Said Abel.

Ethan stuttered, “What happened to Emma?”

“Emma was shot. Her fate was unknown, but Benjamin took her away.” Abel said as his eyes teared up.

Ethan almost passed out when he heard what had happened. Abel held him and carried him to the sofa.

“Emma!” Ethan cried.

“Ethan, calm down,” Abel said with a frown.

“Calm down? Me? How can I calm down? Emma was shot. How can I calm down?” Ethan jumped from the sofa and shouted.

Abel had nothing to say. He knew he had no right to ask Ethan to calm down when he could not do that himself.

“Abel, what happened to Emma? Why did she get shot? Why would Benjamin take her away? Tell me!”

“Emma got shot by accident. Perhaps Benjamin took her away to treat her.” Abel lowered his head and said.


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