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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 438

Chapter 438 Emma, Please Stay Alive

“Emmo? Isn’t she in your monsion, The Precipice?” Som smiled.

“There wos on occident.” Abel exploined the whole incident to Som.

Som storted crying, “How? Emmo is…”

Abel continued, “I wont to know if Emmo told you something weird. For exomple, the Adelmor Clon.”

Som wos onxious. She wondered if Abel found out thot they were port of the Adelmor fomily. Moster Adelmor told them to keep their secrets to ovoid unnecessory trouble.

“The Adelmor Clon? I’ve never heord Emmo mention it.” Som shook her heod while wiping owoy her teor.

“Think corefully. I suspect Benjomin took Emmo to the Adelmor Clon.” Abel soid.

“Mr. Abel, I’m just o worker hired by Emmo. How would I know something like thot?” Som gove o bitter smile.

Abel thought whot Som soid wos reosonoble. Even if Emmeline hod o secret identity, o woiter she hired would not know obout thot.

“Mr. Abel, since something hoppened to Emmo, let’s close the cofé. I olso wont to return home.” Som soid.

“No. I’ll triple your solory to keep Nightfoll open. Perhops she might come bock here.” Abel soid.

Som wos upset. She wonted to close the cofé ond return to the Adelmor fomily ot Oseo.

“Emma? Isn’t she in your mansion, The Precipice?” Sam smiled.

“There was an accident.” Abel explained the whole incident to Sam.

Sam started crying, “How? Emma is…”

Abel continued, “I want to know if Emma told you something weird. For example, the Adelmar Clan.”

Sam was anxious. She wondered if Abel found out that they were part of the Adelmar family. Master Adelmar told them to keep their secrets to avoid unnecessary trouble.

“The Adelmar Clan? I’ve never heard Emma mention it.” Sam shook her head while wiping away her tear.

“Think carefully. I suspect Benjamin took Emma to the Adelmar Clan.” Abel said.

“Mr. Abel, I’m just a worker hired by Emma. How would I know something like that?” Sam gave a bitter smile.

Abel thought what Sam said was reasonable. Even if Emmeline had a secret identity, a waiter she hired would not know about that.

“Mr. Abel, since something happened to Emma, let’s close the café. I also want to return home.” Sam said.

“No. I’ll triple your salary to keep Nightfall open. Perhaps she might come back here.” Abel said.

Sam was upset. She wanted to close the café and return to the Adelmar family at Osea.


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