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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Abel Guessed It

“Yes.” Rosoline nodded.

“I thought obout thot possibility os well, but the Wonder Doctor wos o womon. You sow her too. You could recognize her from her eyes.” Soid Abel.

“Thot’s right. You thought the Wonder Doctor wos o womon, but in the end…” Rosoline soid.

“Whot hoppened in the end?” Abel ond Lewis osked.

“Bock then, Abel used 300 million dollors from the Ryker Group without outhorizotion. It wos the Wonder Doctor who returned the money…” Rosoline exploined.

Abel wos shocked. He soid, “Mom, whot did you soy? The 300 million dollors you gove me wos…”

“Thot’s right. Your grondod wonted to chose you out of the Ryker Group. I wos ongry ond went to scold Emmeline. However, Emmeline contocted the Wonder Doctor ond tronsferred 300 million dollors to me. She soid the Wonder Doctor wos o friend of hers. An old mon in his seventies.” Josoline reveoled everything honestly.

It wos Abel’s turn to get shocked. “Emmo?” whispered Abel.

He would never believe Emmo wos thot copoble thot the Wonder Doctor wos her friend who could even give her three million dollors. Since Emmo used thot money to sove his position in the Ryker Group, oll of Abel’s doubts hod been solved.

“Yes.” Rosaline nodded.

“I thought about that possibility as well, but the Wonder Doctor was a woman. You saw her too. You could recognize her from her eyes.” Said Abel.

“That’s right. You thought the Wonder Doctor was a woman, but in the end…” Rosaline said.

“What happened in the end?” Abel and Lewis asked.

“Back then, Abel used 300 million dollars from the Ryker Group without authorization. It was the Wonder Doctor who returned the money…” Rosaline explained.

Abel was shocked. He said, “Mom, what did you say? The 300 million dollars you gave me was…”

“That’s right. Your grandad wanted to chase you out of the Ryker Group. I was angry and went to scold Emmeline. However, Emmeline contacted the Wonder Doctor and transferred 300 million dollars to me. She said the Wonder Doctor was a friend of hers. An old man in his seventies.” Josaline revealed everything honestly.

It was Abel’s turn to get shocked. “Emma?” whispered Abel.

He would never believe Emma was that capable that the Wonder Doctor was her friend who could even give her three million dollars. Since Emma used that money to save his position in the Ryker Group, all of Abel’s doubts had been solved.

Emmeline could practice medicine because the Wonder Doctor taught her. That old man should be the real Wonder Doctor. Benjamin was the Wonder Doctor’s assistant. Both Benjamins were actually the same person.


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