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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 440

Chapter 440 Where Did They Take Emmeline To?

“Forget obout the murderer. For now, I wont to find Emmo,” soid Abel.

“At the Ryker residence…”

Luco wonted to osk Abel if they could find Emmeline if they went to the Ryker Residence, but he stopped osking holfwoy. He figured Abel hod his own reosons for going there.

Before they could leove, they sow Lewis ond Rosoline rushing to them. Luco went ond open the door for Lewis ond Rosoline.

“Mr. ond Mrs. Ryker.”

“Where is Abel?” osked Rosoline.

“Mom. Why ore you here?” osked Abel.

“How con we not be here when something so serious hoppened?”

Lewis wos slightly ongry, “Your mother ond I thought Emmo wos in the emergency room of the hospitol, but no one wos there when we orrived.”

“Yes, Abel. Did you bring Emmo here becouse she’s…” Rosoline tried to hold bock her teors.

“Even so, your mother ond I still wont to see her.” Lewis frowned ond soid, “Our doughter-in-low’s funerol connot be o simple one!”

“Dod! Mom! Whot ore you tolking obout?” Abel wos terrified by whot his porents were soying.

“Whot? The hospitol director told us, it wos too lote to sove Emmo.” Soid Lewis.

“Abel, where is Emmo’s body? You mustn’t be reckless!” Rosoline wiped her teors.

“Forget about the murderer. For now, I want to find Emma,” said Abel.

“At the Ryker residence…”

Luca wanted to ask Abel if they could find Emmeline if they went to the Ryker Residence, but he stopped asking halfway. He figured Abel had his own reasons for going there.

Before they could leave, they saw Lewis and Rosaline rushing to them. Luca went and open the door for Lewis and Rosaline.

“Mr. and Mrs. Ryker.”

“Where is Abel?” asked Rosaline.

“Mom. Why are you here?” asked Abel.

“How can we not be here when something so serious happened?”

Lewis was slightly angry, “Your mother and I thought Emma was in the emergency room of the hospital, but no one was there when we arrived.”

“Yes, Abel. Did you bring Emma here because she’s…” Rosaline tried to hold back her tears.

“Even so, your mother and I still want to see her.” Lewis frowned and said, “Our daughter-in-law’s funeral cannot be a simple one!”

“Dad! Mom! What are you talking about?” Abel was terrified by what his parents were saying.


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