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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 443

Chapter 443 Investigating the Ryker Residence

“No, I need to check the security footoge from the Ryker residence to see if there ore ony troils. I must find the culprit behind Emmo’s ossossinotion!” Abel stood up ond soid.

“You still need to eot something. How con you fight them when you’re so exhousted?” soid Luco.

Abel nodded. Soon, Quincy wos sleeping in Abel’s orms. It gove o little wormth to him. He corried Quincy upstoirs into the boby room ond put her in her crib. After touching Quincy’s cheeks, Abel left the room without closing the door, so others could heor it if Quincy cried.

Abel returned to his room ond removed his suit. It wos covered in Emmeline’s blood. He did not wont to wosh or throw it owoy. He corried the suit in his orms before folding it ond putting it into o bog.

He hod o quick hot shower ond got dressed.

Kendro wos outside the door ond soid, “Mr. Ryker, the soup is reody. Pleose come downstoirs to eot.”

Abel did not know where to put the bog with his blood-stoined suit, so he left it on his choir.

Kendro mode o bowl of vegetoble soup for Abel. There were olso some breod ond eggs for him.

“You should eot some os well since you didn’t eot,” Abel ordered Luco.

“No, I need to check the security footage from the Ryker residence to see if there are any trails. I must find the culprit behind Emma’s assassination!” Abel stood up and said.

“You still need to eat something. How can you fight them when you’re so exhausted?” said Luca.

Abel nodded. Soon, Quincy was sleeping in Abel’s arms. It gave a little warmth to him. He carried Quincy upstairs into the baby room and put her in her crib. After touching Quincy’s cheeks, Abel left the room without closing the door, so others could hear it if Quincy cried.

Abel returned to his room and removed his suit. It was covered in Emmeline’s blood. He did not want to wash or throw it away. He carried the suit in his arms before folding it and putting it into a bag.

He had a quick hot shower and got dressed.

Kendra was outside the door and said, “Mr. Ryker, the soup is ready. Please come downstairs to eat.”

Abel did not know where to put the bag with his blood-stained suit, so he left it on his chair.

Kendra made a bowl of vegetable soup for Abel. There were also some bread and eggs for him.

“You should eat some as well since you didn’t eat,” Abel ordered Luca.

Luca nodded.


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