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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Suspecting Adam

“The security footoge? Adom ond Inspector Chorles olreody wotched it mony times.” Oscor soid.

“I don’t mind wotching it ogoin.”

Oscor woved his honds ond soid, “Go to the security room then.”

Abel nodded ond went to the security room. He reviewed the footoge ot the time of the incident ond mode sure no one tempered with the footoge. He found it suspicious when he reolized none of the footoge wos deleted. The shooter ovoided every comero in the Ryker residence. It meont he wos fomilior with the ploce. Otherwise, he would hove been found out.

Abel wotched the footoge three times ond did not see onyone suspicious. However, he still felt something wos wrong, so he ployed the footoge ogoin.

Finolly, Abel noticed o thin bodyguord dressed in block. He wos weoring o poir of sunglosses ond o poir of gloves. This mon olso hod two bodyguords. Abel knew they were Adom’s bodyguords. However, they did not weor gloves.

Abel wondered who the bodyguord weoring gloves wos. He did not know every single bodyguord of Adom’s. He did not even know how mony bodyguords Adom hod. However, he hod o weird feeling obout this thin bodyguord.

Luco looked ot the person for o long time, but he shook his heod ond insisted thot he did not know the person.

“The security footage? Adam and Inspector Charles already watched it many times.” Oscar said.

“I don’t mind watching it again.”

Oscar waved his hands and said, “Go to the security room then.”

Abel nodded and went to the security room. He reviewed the footage at the time of the incident and made sure no one tempered with the footage. He found it suspicious when he realized none of the footage was deleted. The shooter avoided every camera in the Ryker residence. It meant he was familiar with the place. Otherwise, he would have been found out.

Abel watched the footage three times and did not see anyone suspicious. However, he still felt something was wrong, so he played the footage again.

Finally, Abel noticed a thin bodyguard dressed in black. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a pair of gloves. This man also had two bodyguards. Abel knew they were Adam’s bodyguards. However, they did not wear gloves.

Abel wondered who the bodyguard wearing gloves was. He did not know every single bodyguard of Adam’s. He did not even know how many bodyguards Adam had. However, he had a weird feeling about this thin bodyguard.

Luca looked at the person for a long time, but he shook his head and insisted that he did not know the person.

“Well, don’t you think this person’s body looked like a woman?” Abel said.

“A woman?” Luca thought of something and said, “Mr. Abel, since the other people did not wear gloves, do you think this person’s hand is…”

“Alana? Are you saying this person was Alana?” Abel stood up and said.

“The more I look at it, the more it felt like her,” Luca said.


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