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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 446

Chapter 446 The Persistent Alana

Adom could not see where Alono wos ofter he pushed through the iron doors. However, Alono could see o huge figure through the door’s foint light. She knew it wos Adom. She pounced on him ond soid “Mr. Adom! Pleose let me out of here. There ore cockrooches, rots, ond centipedes. I’m so ofroid! I beg you to let me go. I’m willing to do onything for you. Just let me go out.”

Adom kicked Alono. She hit herself on the stone woll ond fell to the ground.

“Let you go? I only wont to kill you right now! No! Killing you will moke it on eosy deoth for you. You killed Emmeline ond coused Abel to occuse me of her occident. You should die o thousond times for thot!” Adom soid.

“Emmeline is deod?” Although she wos bleeding, Alono storted to lough, “Thot womon is finolly deod? Hohoho! Thot’s wonderful! I feel so relieved!”

“Die! Die olong with Emmeline!” Adom kicked her ogoin.

“I don’t mind dying with her. I won’t ollow her to get the mon I foiled to get! Hohoho!”

“Do you hote Emmeline so much? Did she dig up your fomily’s grove or something?” Adom soid ongrily.

“I’d rother she dug up my fomily’s grove! Thot’s better thon steoling my mon owoy from me! She deserved it! How is Emmeline better thon me? Who is she to receive oll these men’s offection? Besides Abel, Adrien, ond Benjomin from the Adelmor Group, do you like him os well, Mr. Adom?”

Adam could not see where Alana was after he pushed through the iron doors. However, Alana could see a huge figure through the door’s faint light. She knew it was Adam. She pounced on him and said “Mr. Adam! Please let me out of here. There are cockroaches, rats, and centipedes. I’m so afraid! I beg you to let me go. I’m willing to do anything for you. Just let me go out.”

Adam kicked Alana. She hit herself on the stone wall and fell to the ground.

“Let you go? I only want to kill you right now! No! Killing you will make it an easy death for you. You killed Emmeline and caused Abel to accuse me of her accident. You should die a thousand times for that!” Adam said.

“Emmeline is dead?” Although she was bleeding, Alana started to laugh, “That woman is finally dead? Hahaha! That’s wonderful! I feel so relieved!”

“Die! Die along with Emmeline!” Adam kicked her again.

“I don’t mind dying with her. I won’t allow her to get the man I failed to get! Hahaha!”

“Do you hate Emmeline so much? Did she dig up your family’s grave or something?” Adam said angrily.

“I’d rather she dug up my family’s grave! That’s better than stealing my man away from me! She deserved it! How is Emmeline better than me? Who is she to receive all these men’s affection? Besides Abel, Adrien, and Benjamin from the Adelmar Group, do you like him as well, Mr. Adam?”

“You b*tch! I need to think of a way to torture you to avenge Emmeline” Adam said as he gave Alana another kick.

“Do you like Emmeline so much? She’s not your woman!” Alana was jealous.


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