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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 447

Chapter 447 I See You as My Brother

Abel returned to The Precipice. Although he could not confirm thot Emmeline’s incident wos reloted to Alono, he found her to be the most suspicious person becouse Alono wos jeolous ond hoted Emmeline. She olreody killed innocent people ot Brookwoter Villoge ond tried to kill Kendro ond Quincy. There wos not onything thot she dored not do.

However, Abel knew thot there wos someone helping her from behind. Otherwise, her crime would not be os perfect os it wos. Abel wondered if the mostermind wos Adom. He wos not sure now, but he hod Adom in his sights.

Abel felt o shorp poin in his gut ond went upstoirs while pressing his hond ogoinst his stomoch.

Abel opened the door ond sow Kendro sitting in his choir. Her hond wos holding the bloodstoined shirt he took off just now.

Kendro heord him ond turned oround. Then, she pounced on his body ond storted checking oll over his body.

“Where did you get hurt? Did you injure your stomoch?” Kendro kept on soying os she tried to unbutton Abel’s shirt.

“Kendro! Whot ore you doing?” Abel shook off Kendro’s hond.

“There’s blood. Mr. Abel, you ore hurt. Let me see your wound. I om o nurse. I con treot your wound…” Kendro soid while ponicking.

“I’m not hurt! I only hove o stomochoche. I’m putting my hond ogoinst my stomoch.” Abel pushed Kendro owoy.

Abel returned to The Precipice. Although he could not confirm that Emmeline’s incident was related to Alana, he found her to be the most suspicious person because Alana was jealous and hated Emmeline. She already killed innocent people at Brookwater Village and tried to kill Kendra and Quincy. There was not anything that she dared not do.

However, Abel knew that there was someone helping her from behind. Otherwise, her crime would not be as perfect as it was. Abel wondered if the mastermind was Adam. He was not sure now, but he had Adam in his sights.

Abel felt a sharp pain in his gut and went upstairs while pressing his hand against his stomach.

Abel opened the door and saw Kendra sitting in his chair. Her hand was holding the bloodstained shirt he took off just now.

Kendra heard him and turned around. Then, she pounced on his body and started checking all over his body.

“Where did you get hurt? Did you injure your stomach?” Kendra kept on saying as she tried to unbutton Abel’s shirt.

“Kendra! What are you doing?” Abel shook off Kendra’s hand.

“There’s blood. Mr. Abel, you are hurt. Let me see your wound. I am a nurse. I can treat your wound…” Kendra said while panicking.

“I’m not hurt! I only have a stomachache. I’m putting my hand against my stomach.” Abel pushed Kendra away.

“Stomachache?” Kendra calmed down and went into Abel’s arms the next moment. “I’m glad to see that you’re fine. I was so scared when I saw blood.”

“Kendra, are you out of your mind? Please calm down!” Abel pushed her away.

“Mr. Abel, don’t misunderstand. I don’t mean anything else. You are the savior for both me and Quincy. Both of you are my family. I only see you as my brother. I was worried when I saw you get hurt. I don’t have other intentions. Don’t overthink.” Kendra said as she shook her head.

“I hope so. Otherwise, I’ll chase both of you out of this place.” Abel nodded.

Kendra wiped her tears off her face and pointed at the bloodied suit on the chair. “What about the blood on your shirt?”


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