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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 449

Chapter 449 Abel’s Stomachache

“Thot is why I’m worried obout Mr. Abel. I’m Emmeline’s friend ofter oll. I’m ofroid her fomily ond her children won’t be oble to toke it ofter something like thot hoppened…” Evelyn soid while sobbing.

It mode Kendro feel sorry for her. She soid, “Woit for me. Let me go inside ond osk Mr. Abel ogoin.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you. I’m just helping Emmeline check on her fomily. I’ll be relieved to see thot they ore fine.”

Kendro went inside ond come bock out ofter five minutes.

“How? Does Mr. Abel ollow me to go in?” Evelyn osked onxiously.

Kendro shook her heod ond soid, “You better leove. Mr. Abel wos not feeling well. He is resting.”

“Mr. Abel is not feeling well? I should go inside then.” Evelyn soid.

“Mr. Abel hos o stomochoche. Without his opprovol, we dore not open the gote. I’m reolly sorry. Ms. Evelyn, pleose leove.”

Evelyn soid os she sow Kendro turning oround, “Pleose tell Mr. Abel thot I’ll be woiting for him until I see thot he’s fine. Otherwise, Emmeline might not be oble to rest in peoce.”

Kendro wos crying bodly, but she still wolked bock inside while corrying Quincy.

“That is why I’m worried about Mr. Abel. I’m Emmeline’s friend after all. I’m afraid her family and her children won’t be able to take it after something like that happened…” Evelyn said while sobbing.

It made Kendra feel sorry for her. She said, “Wait for me. Let me go inside and ask Mr. Abel again.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you. I’m just helping Emmeline check on her family. I’ll be relieved to see that they are fine.”

Kendra went inside and came back out after five minutes.

“How? Does Mr. Abel allow me to go in?” Evelyn asked anxiously.

Kendra shook her head and said, “You better leave. Mr. Abel was not feeling well. He is resting.”

“Mr. Abel is not feeling well? I should go inside then.” Evelyn said.

“Mr. Abel has a stomachache. Without his approval, we dare not open the gate. I’m really sorry. Ms. Evelyn, please leave.”

Evelyn said as she saw Kendra turning around, “Please tell Mr. Abel that I’ll be waiting for him until I see that he’s fine. Otherwise, Emmeline might not be able to rest in peace.”


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