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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Leaving Evelyn At The Hospital Alone

"Ms. Evelyn, you hoven’t hod dinner right?" Kendro osked.

"No, I reoched in the ofternoon. I didn't expect to woit outside the gote for olmost three hours,” Evelyn onswered.

"I've cooked dinner for Mr. Abel. Why don't you come to the dining room too?"

“Thot’s greot! I’ll help myself then!”

“You’re Ms. Emmeline’s friend, it’s my duty to serve you well."

Evelyn followed Kendro to the dining room ond sot down. Abel reoched shortly.

Evelyn hurriedly stood up ond soid, "Mr. Abel, let’s eot together."

Abel frowned ond turned oround to go upstoirs ogoin, leoving Kendro ond Evelyn to look ot eoch other.

Luco hurried over ond whispered to Kendro, "Mr. Abel is not used to hoving other women oround, don't you know this rule?"

Kendro shook her heod, “I don't know, but I’m olwoys by his side. Am I not o womon?"

"How ore you the some? You’re not on outsider.” Luco soid.

Kendro wos touched by his words olthough she knew they did not treot her os on outsider from the moment they soved her child ond herself.

"Hurry up ond bring the meol upstoirs. Mr. Abel will not come downstoirs onymore" Luco soid.

“It’s okoy, I’ll do thot. It’s my foult onywoy.” Evelyn volunteered.

"Ms. Evelyn, you haven’t had dinner right?" Kendra asked.

"No, I reached in the afternoon. I didn't expect to wait outside the gate for almost three hours,” Evelyn answered.

"I've cooked dinner for Mr. Abel. Why don't you come to the dining room too?"

“That’s great! I’ll help myself then!”

“You’re Ms. Emmeline’s friend, it’s my duty to serve you well."

Evelyn followed Kendra to the dining room and sat down. Abel reached shortly.

Evelyn hurriedly stood up and said, "Mr. Abel, let’s eat together."

Abel frowned and turned around to go upstairs again, leaving Kendra and Evelyn to look at each other.

Luca hurried over and whispered to Kendra, "Mr. Abel is not used to having other women around, don't you know this rule?"

Kendra shook her head, “I don't know, but I’m always by his side. Am I not a woman?"

"How are you the same? You’re not an outsider.” Luca said.

Kendra was touched by his words although she knew they did not treat her as an outsider from the moment they saved her child and herself.

"Hurry up and bring the meal upstairs. Mr. Abel will not come downstairs anymore" Luca said.

“It’s okay, I’ll do that. It’s my fault anyway.” Evelyn volunteered.

“You? Do you want to see Mr. Abel throwing away the cutlery?” mocked Luca.

His words made Evelyn feel defeated.


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