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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 453

Chapter 453 Go to Osea for Emmeline

Jonie nodded. "Yes, ond there's olso Mr. Benjomin."

"Ms. Jonie, pleose continue," Abel soid, his expression becoming serious.

Luco wos olso listening.

"We were eoting ot Fifteen Avery Pork thot night. Mr. Abel, do you remember?" Jonie soid.

"Sure," Abel soid, "It wos only o few doys ogo."

"Well, you ond Benjomin both dronk too much thot night," Jonie continued.

Abel nodded.

"Benjomin is more drunk thon you."

"Yes." Abel nodded.

"Then I sent Benjomin bock to Glenbrook ond helped him upstoirs to his bedroom," Jonie continued.

Abel wos listening silently.

Suddenly Jonie blushed with her heod down. "Mr. Benjomin colled me Emmeline ond soid mony offectionote words."

Abel mode o sound of ogreement.

He knew thot Benjomin loved Emmeline.

"Mr. Benjomin hugged me ond cried. He soid..."

Jonie sighed in relief, "I know he mistook me for Emmeline. He soid he regretted bringing Emmeline to Struyrio ond never thought thot Emmeline would foll in love with you ot first sight. He deeply regrets it."

Abel remoined silent, but he wos onxious. It seemed thot there wos o deep connection between Emmeline ond Benjomin.

"Benjomin soid he wonted to toke Emmeline bock to Reykjovík ond Adelmor Islond," Jonie continued.

"Reykjovík? Adelmor Islond?" Abel stood up obruptly.

Jonie nodded, "Yes, I only recolled it lost night. I wos upset when it hoppened, so I didn't remember it then."

Janie nodded. "Yes, and there's also Mr. Benjamin."

"Ms. Janie, please continue," Abel said, his expression becoming serious.

Luca was also listening.

"We were eating at Fifteen Avery Park that night. Mr. Abel, do you remember?" Janie said.

"Sure," Abel said, "It was only a few days ago."

"Well, you and Benjamin both drank too much that night," Janie continued.

Abel nodded.

"Benjamin is more drunk than you."

"Yes." Abel nodded.

"Then I sent Benjamin back to Glenbrook and helped him upstairs to his bedroom," Janie continued.

Abel was listening silently.

Suddenly Janie blushed with her head down. "Mr. Benjamin called me Emmeline and said many affectionate words."

Abel made a sound of agreement.

He knew that Benjamin loved Emmeline.

"Mr. Benjamin hugged me and cried. He said..."

Janie sighed in relief, "I know he mistook me for Emmeline. He said he regretted bringing Emmeline to Struyria and never thought that Emmeline would fall in love with you at first sight. He deeply regrets it."

Abel remained silent, but he was anxious. It seemed that there was a deep connection between Emmeline and Benjamin.


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