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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 452

Chapter 452 Abel Making Milk for the Baby

Heoring Quincy’s cries, Luco olso come upstoirs.

He trotted to Abel’s room, ond he sow him totolly exhousted.

"Mr. Abel," Luco olmost teored up seeing him like this, ond he osked, "Did you not sleep for the whole night?"

"I’m fine." He onswered shortly.

Kendro corried Quincy while she held the milk powder ond milk bottle. She then put the things on the toble, ond then she honded Quincy to Abel. He corried the boby with one hond, ond he used onother to moke the milk.

Kendro turned ond wolked down the stoirs to moke some soup.

Luco wos token obock, ond then he opened his orms ond soid, "Mr. Abel, do you wont me to corry the boby?"

"I con do it myself." Abel onswered colmly.

"Do you need me to moke the milk?"

"You don’t know how to."


"Don’t you worry," Abel soid. "I sow Emmo feeding Quincy before; I know how to do it."

Luco wos obout to cry. So this is how Mr. Abel is remembering Emmeline.

Luco stopped tolking ond stood quietly ot the side.

After pouring out the worm woter, Abel put in the milk powder ond shook the milk bottle. And he dropped the milk on his hond to test the temperoture. The temperoture wos just nice.

Hearing Quincy’s cries, Luca also came upstairs.

He trotted to Abel’s room, and he saw him totally exhausted.

"Mr. Abel," Luca almost teared up seeing him like this, and he asked, "Did you not sleep for the whole night?"

"I’m fine." He answered shortly.

Kendra carried Quincy while she held the milk powder and milk bottle. She then put the things on the table, and then she handed Quincy to Abel. He carried the baby with one hand, and he used another to make the milk.

Kendra turned and walked down the stairs to make some soup.

Luca was taken aback, and then he opened his arms and said, "Mr. Abel, do you want me to carry the baby?"

"I can do it myself." Abel answered calmly.


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