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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 455

Chapter 455 He Won’t Give Up Until He Finds Ms. Louise

Sam's clear and pure voice came through, "Luca, may I ask if there is any news about Emma?"

Luca replied, "Not yet. Mr. Abel is still searching."

"I see." Sam did not know what else to say.

She and Daisy knew about the whereabouts of Emmeline, but they could not say anything.

She called Luca because she missed him but could not find a better reason.

Luca said, "I will be the first to tell you if there is any news. You are making an international call. Hang up now."

Sam was surprised and asked, "International call? Where are you?"

"Osea," Luca replied.

Sam was even more shocked.

Osea is Reykjavík. So, does that mean that Abel goes to Reykjavík? How does he know that Emmeline is there? Does he know about the island of the Adelmar family?

Oh no, Mr. Adelmar will not allow them to reveal their identities.

This is bad. How did Abel find out?

Sam felt uneasy, and Luca had already hung up the phone.

He found the pharmacy and was busy buying medicine for Abel.

The next day, the hired yacht carried several people out to sea.

After a day, they only visited three islands, but none were called Adelmar Island.

The next day, they went to sea again to search but still found nothing.


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